2023年搬瓦工第一波大促销: THE PLAN 限量版套餐

Laumaomao 2023-1-12 3,339 1/12

搬瓦工推出了一款全新的限量版套餐—— THE PLAN,给到的配置还算不错,性价比非常高,机房多达 17 个可以选择,套餐包含了之前限量的香港HK85、日本大阪JPOS软银、美国洛杉矶DC6和DC9的GIA、悉尼9929、阿姆斯特丹9929和迪拜等机房。下面是详细配置:

vCPU:2 核
内存:2 GB
硬盘:40 GB SSD
流量:1000 GB/月
机房:中国香港 HK85/日本软银JPOS/洛杉矶DC6-E/洛杉矶DC9 等
迁移:17 个机房随意迁移
价格:$99 美元/年(使用优惠码折后$92.49美元/年)


** 套餐中包含的机房:

  1. AU: Sydney [AUSYD_1]  澳洲悉尼联通AS9929机房
  2. US: New York [USNY_2]  美国纽约机房
  3. US: New Jersey [USNJ]  美国新泽西机房
  4. EU: Amsterdam, Netherlands [EUNL_3]  荷兰机房
  5. EU: Amsterdam, Netherlands (China Unicom Premium) [EUNL_9]  荷兰联通AS9929机房
  6. US: Los Angeles, California (DC2 QNET) [USCA_2]  美国洛杉矶DC2 QNET机房
  7. US: Los Angeles, California (DC3 CN2) [USCA_3]  美国洛杉矶DC3 CN2机房
  8. US: Los Angeles, California (DC4 MCOM) [USCA_4]  美国洛杉矶DC4 MCOM机房
  9. US: Los Angeles, California (DC6 CT CN2GIA-E) [USCA_6]  美国洛杉矶DC6 CN2 GIA-E机房
  10. US: Los Angeles, California (DC8 ZNET) [USCA_8]  美国洛杉矶DC8 ZNET机房
  11. US: Los Angeles, California (DC9 CT CN2GIA) [USCA_9]  美国洛杉矶DC9 CN2 GIA机房
  12. CA: British Columbia, Vancouver [CABC_1]  加拿大机房(下个月会切换 CN2 GIA)
  13. US: Fremont, California [USCA_FMT]  美国弗里蒙特FMT机房
  14. US: Fremont-8, California [USCA_FMT8]  美国弗里蒙特FMT8机房
  15. HK: Hong Kong (CMI) [HKHK_3]  中国香港HK85机房
  16. Japan: Osaka (Softbank) [JPOS_1]  日本软银JPOS机房
  17. UAE: Dubai [AEDXB_1]  阿联酋迪拜机房 **

Many of you have told us you're more than happy with our famous Limited Edition specials.
And, many of you end up running some really cool projects on your VMs, and doing so for many years. Which is AWESOME and is the reason Bandwagon Host exists!

But... eventually, you hit a resource or plan limitation.

Then, you ask us for flexibility:

Can I add more SSD storage space for my project?
I need more RAM to run my Ubuntu 22 VM
My project is so successful that I ran out of monthly data transfer, can I get more?
I need more CPU power for a short period of time
I would like to migrate my VM to a location not offered by my current plan
Can I get a Quarterly billing option?
Usually, we would tell you that we do not offer custom plans, plan adjustments, or addons.

We would tell you that the only option is to upgrade to a beefier plan, which would be 2x or 3x the cost.

We would explain that our platform is not designed for flexible plans. It is true — we strive for maximum efficiency in everything, and this makes our plans rather rigid.

And yeah... sometimes you are not ready to spend much more just to get a little bit more, especially for a small project or startup.

And so, we decided to embrace our inflexibility.

In Q4 2022 we did not run any promotions. We skipped Black Friday, we skipped 11-11, we skipped Christmas and Boxing day. We skipped New Year. Even our Limited Edition plans were out of stock for a very long time.

We were exceptionally busy... We were working on The Plan — a single plan which solves all of the above, in the most elegant and efficient manner possible... By including everything you've been asking for in a new plan, and then deploying new equipment which can support it.

Now, for a very limited time, you can get all of the above in one plan, plus we will also throw in:

  • Free automated backups
  • Free snapshots
  • Automatic migration between datacenters
  • No contract, anytime cancellation
  • Instant RDNS update, OS reloads, Console access from the control panel
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee
  • Rewards program — get 1–10% cash back!
  • 30–day money back guarantee

    The Plan Specs

    Imagine our legendary Limited Edition plan but on steroids:
    Double SSD: 20 GB 40 GB RAID-10
    Double RAM: 1 GB 2 GB
    Double CPU: 1 core 2 cores
    Double Monthly Transfer: 500 GB 1000 GB

    Datacenters: up to 5 datacenters 17 datacenters:

    Sydney, Australia: 2.5 Gbps
    New Jersey, USA: 1 Gbps
    New York, USA: 2.5 Gbps
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, EUNL_3/ i3d: 1 Gbps
    Amsterdam, Netherlands, EUNL_9/ China Unicom: 2.5 Gbps
    Los Angeles, USA, USCA_2/ QNET: 1 Gbps
    Los Angeles, USA, USCA_3/ CN2 GT: 1 Gbps
    Los Angeles, USA, USCA_4/ MCOM: 1 Gbps
    Los Angeles, USA, USCA_6/ CN2GIA-E: 2.5 Gbps
    Los Angeles, USA, USCA_8/ ZNET: 1 Gbps
    Los Angeles, USA, USCA_9/ CN2GIA: 1 Gbps
    Vancouver, Canada (CN2GIA will be added in February 2023): 2.5 Gbps
    Fremont, USA/ HE: 2.5 Gbps
    Fremont, USA/ China Unicom: 2.5 Gbps
    Hong Kong: 2.5 Gbps
    Osaka, Japan: 2.5 Gbps
    Dubai, UAE: 2.5 Gbps
    As always, you can switch the datacenter in the control panel after VM is live.

    How much does it cost?

    The closest currently existing plan (which actually offers much less than The Plan) is priced at $299.99/yr.
    Today, you can get The Plan for only $99/yr.

    And, thanks to our Rewards program, it gets cheaper every year!

2023年搬瓦工第一波大促销: THE PLAN 限量版套餐


